Karaoke F official app. Use the F official app more conveniently and conveniently!We deliver advantageous information and coupons from time to time.You can easily search for stores and make phone reservations from the app.What is Karaoke F?You can enjoy karaoke with the latest models and the best sound equipment.In addition to regular use, we also have a variety of dishes that can be used for banquets and after-parties, as well as all-you-can-drink, drink bars, and soft-serve ice cream bars.We also have cosplay goods and punishment game menus to liven up the party.[Caution / Request]・ This application requires a mobile network or Wi-Fi.−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−please note−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−*Using the app is free.* In order to use the latest version of the app, it is necessary to update the OS version with the software update of the terminal.*Please note that some operating systems cannot be used. The recommended version is Android 7.0 or higher.